Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Get your own stuff Scumbag....

So there's been a rash of break-ins in my area lately, most of which seem to share the same M.O.  A kicked in door or broken window, the Perp tears the place apart, and raids the medicine cabinet in search of the much coveted prescription pain medication.  Seriously?  Has our society degenerated so far that these dirt bags are risking life and limb just to get a fix?

Addiction in one form of another, has been around since the dawn of Man, and granted robbery is nothing new.  I'm not writing a thesis on the psychology of dirt bags here, and before I go any further, I should stress that I do not feel all addicts are scum.  What concerns me the most is the brazen nature of these crimes.  More often than not, these acts are committed in broad daylight, presumably when the mark is at work.  Think about it, most folks don't necessarily give a car parked in the driveway during the day a second thought.  Consider another scenario that plays out like this: two Perps drive to a home where they suspect the occupants are out, most likely they have kept an eye on the home and are familiar with the inhabitants comings and goings.  The driver drops off his accomplice who makes his way inside in search of their plunder.  This gives the driver the opportunity to avoid attracting unwanted attention to a strange car parked in the mark's driveway.  After an agreed upon amount of time, usually just a matter of minutes, the driver swings back to pick up his cohort and your stuff.

I guess the lesson here is to be vigilant.  Living in a small town has it's perks, one of which is most folks know each other and are obliged to watch out for their neighbors place.  New York City adopted a great slogan after the 9/11 attacks, in which people were encouraged to remain vigilant and not be concerned about looking foolish if their suspicions turned out to be unfounded.  "If you see something, say something."

A special note to you pill popping losers.  There are those out there who feel sorry for you and your "disease"  Most of them are bleeding heart liberals and overpaid hand holders who insist that it's the drugs that make you the way you are.  I don't care about you.  I will not take pity on you and I will show you no mercy.  Get your own stuff.....Scumbag.

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